
Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Trash to Treasure

Discarded Bushel Baskets 16x20 Pastel

Sometimes a change of plans can be a blessing in disguise.  My son and I had planned to go hiking up in Fairhill, Md. but we got a late start out of the house and decided to stay close to home and ended up at Terrapin Beach Park.  We'd never visited this park before, but we'd soon regret not checking this little gem out sooner.  The hiking trail follows through some marshes, woodlands and naturally as their name claims - a beach.  Beautiful beach along the Chesapeake Bay.  The scenes along the trail were absolutely filled with photo opts. I took a ton of photos!  Right along the beach I spotted these bushel baskets (no owner to be found). I loved how the light was shining through them and was excited to see how they'd turn out in a painting.  If anything represents the Eastern Shore (other than blue crabs, that is...) it's bushel baskets!  So don't get upset when plans don't go exactly how you wanted them to, because there just might be a treasure waiting to be found. 

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