

In October of 2003, I began leading a Girl Scout Troop.  At that time I was a mother of a 5 year old girl and a 3 month old boy, working part time and doing my art whenever I could fit it in the day's schedule.  The demands of being a troop leader (if you strive to be a good one) became greater and greater until my art was placed in the back seat and creating lasting memories for "my girls" became my sole priority. This past May the girls of Troop 48 Chesapeake Bay graduated out of Girl Scouts and are now beginning their lives.... and so now begins mine (time to sprout my own wings). Art is now back in the front seat. I started painting in pastels 6 months ago. This blog will not only track my progress, but also serve as an art journal of all that I learn along the way.  I have made a personal commitment to myself to paint everyday, and would love to share my journey with you.  Thank you so much for taking the time to visit.

About me

I was born in Ohio and moved to Maryland in my Senior year of High school.  I currently live on the Eastern Shore of Maryland and the Chesapeake Bay.  This area is a painters paradise and is the inspiration for much of my work.  I am currently a member and enrolled student at the Art Academy of Easton, Md and taking as many pastel classes as I can. I absolutely LOVE working in pastels! I am also a new member of the Plein Air Painters of the Chesapeake Bay. My goals for this coming year are to join a couple of Pastel Societies and enter some juried shows (to get my feet wet), so check back periodically to see my progress!

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