
Sunday, January 19, 2020

Seasoned 9x12 Pastel available $135.00 click here

Today's affirmation:  What you think, you become.  What you feel, you attract.  What you imagine, you create.  ~Buddha

Our first snow of this season here in Preston, Maryland, happened a few weeks ago and provided great photo opportunities.  The colors were so beautiful - It was a dusting of sorts, and the ground could be seen in places through the snow.
This painting is of what I see looking out of my front door.  There's a funny story that goes with this painting, and I can't help but get lost in the memory when I look at this piece.  When my family first moved into this house back in 1997, there were actually 4 pine trees in this spot.  They were grown so close together, that some sides of the trees didn't have any branches.  My husband got the idea in his head that he was going to cut them down for fear they would fall into the house at some point.  Well up the ladder he went with chain saw in hand.  One by one branches fell to the ground, then little by little the trunk came down in pieces.  It took a couple of days total for the first tree.  Some time had passed before he headed up the ladder again for tree number 2, which took a little longer this time,  he persevered - but.... after that second tree..... He said "I'm too old for this!!" And... then... there... were... two.  They stand huddled together to this day.

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