
Tuesday, February 21, 2017

My favorite hiking spot

Mountain Bliss 5x7 Pastel

This is the perfect title to this painting- I looked up the definition of the word bliss just to see if I had chosen a good word and it states: supreme happiness; utter joy or contentment.  Yes, the perfect word for the most perfect place.  Table Rock mountain in South Carolina is my utmost favorite of hiking places!  Now I have to admit I haven't been to every hiking location out there, but for me, this is my favorite.  If you were to visit Table Rock, this is the scene you would get to see at the trail head.  They have a really nice bridge with a sitting area so you can just sit and admire this little waterfall.  And I could just sit here all day - - well not ALL day, after all I love to hike - - but after the hike, then I'd sit and admire.  Hopefully this summer my family can visit Table Rock again so I can do some plein air painting of this beautiful place.