
Sunday, February 19, 2017

My Cows

Send in the Cows 9x12 Pastel

When the weather is nice, my son and I take long walks along the country roads - we walk, discover new roads to try out, take in the scenery, talk and talk about anything and everything and take photos for future paintings.  When we're short on sunlight I will just say lets go check on my cows.  They're not really my cows, but I fell in love with this little calf from the day it was born.  I drive by this farm everyday on my way to work and have watched this little guy grow and grow. Don't you just love his little face?  Usually when we walk to see them they're a little too far from the fence to get a good picture, but this particular day I lucked out.  What a big smile they bring to my face! 

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