
Thursday, February 16, 2017

Chasing sunsets

My current pastel class is titled Painting the Light in Landscapes.  For our first homework assignment we were to scavenge the area and take as many reference photos capturing light that we could find.  I was coming home from work around 4:30 and could not believe the beautiful sky ahead of me - I wanted some reference photos of water scenes, but I was still about 20 minutes from the docks!  I had to move fast - - the sun was almost fully set by the time I parked the car.  I was able to snap about 5 different photos before I was standing in the dark.  I chose this one to do for class first because the light on the boat was so dramatic, but after I had it back home and gave it time to sit on the easel a couple of days I decided to do the painting again but using a different color palette.

This is the second attempt using only violets and yellows.  Red violet, blue violet, get the idea. I'm thinking I like the second one better. What makes me smile about this painting though, is remembering that when I first came up to this boat there must have been 25 seagulls sitting on the flat top - they were making such funny noises. I was laughing out load while rushing from here to there trying to get their pictures and hold the camera steady - All I could think of was what a mess someone was going to have to clean up.

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