
Friday, February 24, 2017

The Importance of Family

Day at the Beach 9x12 Pastel

I am well known for having tunnel vision at times (well most of the time). I start a "project" be it crafting, Girl Scouts, exercise and yes painting - and get so immersed in that particular project that I forget and often ignore those around me.  I don't intend on this happening, but it does, and I have to be reminded to give attention and thanks to those that have to sacrifice parts of themselves for me.  Those people are my family and friends but mostly my family.  My children have been complaining of not "seeing" me or giving them attention because I'm at the easel it seems "ALL THE TIME" and I need to thank them for allowing me to pursue my dream of creating art.  And my husband, for his support and help with setting up and understanding the world of electronics and trying to be as patient as possible in teaching me computers - because with out him, I don't think I would even know how to turn a computer on. And for his understanding and ability to turn his head when painting is coming before dusting. I  just want to say a special thank you to all of my family both near and far and my closest of friends for your support and kind words of encouragement.  I love you all! If you personally are involved in "projects" don't forget to thank those around you.

The painting above is of my children when they were much younger than they are now.  We love to visit Assateague National Seashore, and this is from one of our visits there. The wild ponies that roam the shores are a must see for anyone!

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