
Monday, February 13, 2017


                 "I am seeking, I am striving, I am in it with all my heart." Vincent van Gogh

Back in January, pastel artist Karen Margulis challenged all artists to pick one thing and in any medium, create a work of art. I've chosen skies as my subject, more specifically clouds, and following Karen's lead will paint at least one painting of skies every week for 1 year. I feel I need a lot of practice with clouds so hopefully in one year's time I will have mastered them.

This is my view from my front yard. I am very fortunate and overwhelmingly thankful to live in the country. I grew up in the city, but always swore that one day I'd be a country girl - and here I am... lucky to live on Maryland's Eastern Shore.

What will you pick to paint today?

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