
Monday, March 26, 2018

No Name Monday With a Little Clue Attached

Wanna play a game? Who doesn't love games? I've been wanting to do a series of paintings of a particular place for quite some time and I thought..... why tell you right off the bat where that place is.... why not let you guess? So here is clue number 1. Periodically I will give another clue until someone can name the place I'm painting.  And speaking of naming.... This painting needs a name.  Today is No Name Monday.  Put on your thinking caps and see what ideas you may have for this painting's title. Post your ideas and my review committee ( my children) will select their favorite. It's a neat idea that a title you come up with will be forever attached to a piece of art.  Does anyone say neat anymore?  Oh well.... I confess.... I'm old school. Or I guess I'm just old. What title pops in your head while viewing this painting? I'll announce the chosen name on Tuesday.

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