
Thursday, March 8, 2018

Day 8 of 30 Paintings in 30 Days

Night Song 5x6 inches Pastel available

There is still a chill in the air, but as I take little walks outside, I see signs of spring just around the corner.  I see lilies starting to come up out of the ground,  the birds are singing and the buds on the trees are taking color.  This makes me happy! 

I received word that my Plein Air painting group (Plein Air Painters of the Chesapeake Bay) is getting ready to start back up in 2 weeks. Boy I hope it warms up a little bit more before we have to head outside in that weather of wind and rain, but I'm excited non the less. It is one of my new year goals to become a better plein air painter.  I'm going to take every opportunity I can to improve the whole plein air experience and become more comfortable painting out in the open and with all the distractions that comes with it. 

Wish me luck and if any of you locals have a desire to join our PAPCP group, just say the word and I'll forward your name to the leading ladies. 

Have a great day all!

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