
Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Day 6 of 30 Paintings in 30 Days

Fleeting Moment pastel 5x7 available $26.75

Today's posting is going to be short and sweet.  I forgot to take progress photos, but this will be an addition to the butterfly notecard series.  I'm getting very excited to see my paintings professionally printed.

Fun fact on the Monarch Butterfly: did you know you can tell the difference between the male and female Monarchs by looking at their hind wings?  If you see a small round black dot on both the left and right hind wings, you are looking at a male.

I will be posting more Monarch Fun Facts throughout the summer because of my summer hobbies is to breed Monarchs and release them into the wild saving them from predators and trying to help get them off the endangered list. I will share my butterfly adventures and tips.  Who know's.... you might get hooked on butterflies as well and join me in their rescue.  Like I've said before.... I'm a nature girl!

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