
Saturday, October 21, 2017

Day 6 of 31 paintings in 31 days

Sitting Out the Storm 11x9 pastel available $25.00

When you find your stash of pastel paper running thin I have found a cost friendly substitute.  Regular old sand paper.  This painting was done on black sand paper - that's what I had left over from some home projects.  I pastel went on very nicely - in fact, it held the pastel just as well as the more expensive pastel papers.  I still favor UArt because you can apply water to it and other substances for underpaintings.  Now I haven't tried to apply water to the sand paper yet - so I guess that will be my next experiment.  The little guy in this painting was above my head while I was sitting on my deck and he hung around for quite a while just watching me. 

Just a reminder: 
If you'd like the chance to win a free painting, all you have to do is click the follow button at the bottom of my blog page on the home screen.  I will be pulling a name from the hat so to speak of all those listed as followers.  I will be having give aways once a month as a thank you to all of you that take the time to read the blog and check out my lasted artwork.  I can't say enough how much I appreciate it. 

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