
Thursday, October 19, 2017

31 paintings in 31 days Day 4

A Little Happiness Along the Way 12x12 acrylic sold

I am really having so much fun practicing with the palette knife.  I have always been drawn to paintings with a lot of texture, and the palette knife will give you lots and lots of texture.  I thought I'd try something in black and white, but in the end, I decided the painting needed a pop of color.  So here is the end result.  "A Little Happiness Along the Way".

My stash of acrylics was next to none in my art box since I've been painting with pastels this past year so I made a quick stop to Ben Franklin to restock.  $95 later I'm ready to jump back in to acrylics for a bit of a change.  I even found some metallic colors that I cannot wait to try!  I also have a few ideas for a couple more black and white paintings - what to do, what to do.  Check back tomorrow to find out. Have a great day~ and grab a sweater~ it's COLD here in Maryland!

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