
Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Day 3 of 31 paintings in 31 days

Poppies Impasto acrylic on canvas 24in x 30in available $265.00

Last night I felt the urge to get out the acrylics and try my hand again at palette knife painting.  I watched a couple of how-to videos on You Tube and found this great video series called Painting with Jane.  I must have watched one of the videos 6 times!  Then got down to business. I mixed up different colors than what Jane used, and I made up my own composition. This painting is much larger than what I've been working on - it measures 2ft x 2ft 6in.  but really had fun with this one... just letting go and playing with the palette knife.  This is my second palette knife painting.  I did use a brush for the base color and the stems.  In Jane's video, she used the knife to create the stems, but I just couldn't get it to work, so I cheated and brought out a small brush.  I've decided to do a couple more paintings like this one to get more practice, and I'll share a step by step as well.  If you've never tried using a palette knife, I say give it a try!  You just might surprise yourself!

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