
Friday, October 20, 2017

Day 5 of 31 paintings in 31 days

Sunset Sparkle 6x9 pastel available $25.00

The inspiration for this painting was during my much needed weekend away to Lake Isaac in Gordonsville, Va.  We had the great fortune of staying in one of the log cabins of the Shenandoah Crossing Resort.  What a beautiful place! I've been to this resort 3 times now and always find something new here that I hadn't seen in previous visits.  During this visit, I finally got the chance to see the lake.  I must have taken 50 photos just of different views of the lake.  Don't worry.... you'll see them all eventually in future paintings. 

Today I'm giving away a painting.  I'm going to call this day "Friday Freebie".  One day each month I would like to give a painting to a viewer as a thank you for all the "likes"  and "comments" and "follows".  It really motivates and inspires me to keep the paint flowing so to speak.

5x7 pastel on Ampersand pastel board

This is the painting chosen for my first Friday Freebie.  The painting is the inside of a lily. Georgia O'Keefe style.  I love these flowers and have bunches and bunches of them in various gardens.  This is one of my peach colored lilies.  There were so many colors in the center! I picked one of them and set it on the dining room table, then placed a flash light behind it.   Wow! I can't even begin to describe how amazing a lily looks in front of a flash light - you'll have to give a try for yourself.   

If you'd like to have your name included in the drawing all you have to do is click the follow button on my blog page.  The winning name will be chosen this Sunday October 22nd.

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