
Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Sun Flowers and Daisies

Sunflowers and Daisies 9x12 pastel available $50.00

Since yesterday's painting of the sunflower fields, it put me in the mood for more sunflowers.  I tried out a new technique for the background.  I put a layer of the darks and lights in hard pastels in sort of a splotchy way, then I pounced all around with a cotton ball dipped in gamsol.  After drying it with my hairdryer, it was ready to be worked.  I really like the texture it created. Today is plein air day- and of course I have to work during the paint out hours, so I'm on my own again today - I saw a patch of buttercups growing out in my field so I think they will be the subject for today.

Yesterday was No Name Monday, and again I was not disappointed by the response.  I love that so many friends and family take a part in my artwork.  It was a tough job for the judges of course, but the chosen name for yesterday's sunflower field was submitted by two friends. Their title choices just seemed to fit together perfectly.  Thank you Tracie and Rose for the title: Perfect Day in Sunny Fields.  Now I'm off to the field to complete today's plein air piece.  Have a great day everyone!

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