
Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Off the Beaten Path

Off the Beaten Path 9x6 inches pastel available $50.00

After leading a Girl Scout troop for many years - living and breathing all things Girl Scouts, there are certain "rules" for every activity under the sun that you remember and continue to follow long after your life in Scouts.  I can't recall how many times over the years I said the phrase "stay on the path".  You always had those couple of girls that would want to "explore" and go their own way.  They didn't think about the dangers that lurked up ahead.  Poison ivy, thorns and God forbid snakes!  So it was quite liberating for me to go against my own teaching and rule enforcing of staying on the path and explore my own direction.  I found this scene above from walking off the path at Martinak State Park last week.  This area was filled with lily pads and grasses and they just glowed from the sun hitting them.  So the moral of the story is sometimes it's ok to head off the beaten path - unless you're the leader of a Girl Scout troop that is.

I forgot to announce the chosen name for yesterday's No Name Monday.  I congratulate Pam with her submission of "Can I Help You?"  That's exactly the feeling you got from that "protector of the pen". Special thanks to everyone that participated.

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