
Monday, May 22, 2017

No Name Monday

Zach and I were visiting Adkins Arboretum, hiking, painting and taking future reference photos when we noticed on the map of the park that they had goats.  We just had to go see them.  We had goats ourselves up until last summer when they had to find a new home.  My husband was fed up with them escaping their pen every other day and ending up in our gardens, or on top of the cars.  Yes, one goat in particular loved to get on top of the cars.  We looked on the map to see where we had to go and walked down a very long trail - and kept walking it seemed forever! We finally found them and realized looking through the woods that there was a much quicker way we could have taken to get to our destination.  The park keeps goats to "mow" their brush and keep overgrowth under control which is a fantastic and economical way to accomplish this.  I remember our goats clearing out huge sections of woods in a matter of a day.  They love ivy and wild roses.  This goat seemed to be the protector of the others.  He never took his eyes off of us while we were looking.  Even though this was a male goat, he had a female name for some reason - pictures of each goat was hanging on the fence along with their name - I can't remember now the name of this goat, so this is your challenge for today - either a name for just the goat or what you would name the entire painting.  Get your creative hats on. 

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