
Monday, May 22, 2017

Business cards are in!

My very first set of business cards came in last week, and I forgot to share them on the blog.  I wanted to be different and ordered the square format.  Each card displays a different painting with contact information on the back.  I think they are so cute, although my husband thinks they won't fit in wallets all that well.  We'll have to do a test.  They were ordered through  I ordered the least expensive paper and they are very sturdy!  Very well made. 

I also ordered this very handy card holder.  It fans out so people can choose the card they want, then it closes back together. 

Here's an upclose look at the back information.  All ordering is done from my blog so I used that address instead of the on line store's address.  We'll see how well it works.  Now the fun part - passing them out!  If you are in need of business cards - I highly recommend  And if you mention my name with your first order both of us will receive moo bucks!

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