
Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Red Barn

Red Barn 9x12 pastel available $25.00

When the weather gets nice I hit the road.  On foot that is. I take long walks with my son along the country roads and  it's really amazing what you see on foot rather than driving by in the car.  Everything is upclose and personal and seems to take on a whole new life.  We've discovered hidden houses we never saw driving by and streams down the banks that we never knew were there.  Our plan is to try out new roads to explore every week. And at the same time gathering photos for future paintings.  This painting was done from a reference photo from one of our walks.  This barn is actually right around the corner from our house, but for some reason we never noticed it while driving.  It kind of sits way back from the road.  The flowers were just an explosion of color and the barn was glowing a brilliant red in the sun.  Take time out this week to hit the road on foot - I promise you you'll find something you never noticed before. 

The votes have come in for this week's No Name Monday -

Secrets of the Shell was the winner - thank you Barbie for the suggestion and a huge thank you to everyone that participated! 

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