
Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Day of First's

I was anxious to try out oil paints.  I've never used them before, never taken a class so my hands were a bit shakey at first. I've been wanting to try palette knife painting - no brushes, just palette knives.  So I watched a couple of You Tube videos and jumped right in.  Now I was completely surprised at the cost of oil paints, so I only bought a tube of red, green, yellow, blue, and white and had to mix the colors that I needed.  I also painted wet onto wet so some colors mixed right on the canvas.  I don't think my very first attempt is too awful, but I really would like to take a couple of classes - I'm going to try to do at least one oil painting per month and see how I improve.  Of course pastels is still my favorite. I read that a palette knife painting could take up to a month to dry depending on how thick the paint was applied.  I'll let you know - I applied the paint super thick!

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