
Thursday, May 11, 2017

Hiking at Antietam with Zach

Road Trip!  Every once in a while I just have to get away - away from the monotony of everyday life.  I would go more often if I didn't have a job, but I'll settle for once in a while.  This past weekend's road trip was a day filled with history.  First stop was Antietam Battle field.  This was my first visit to this battlefield.  The landscape was amazing!  If you're a landscape artist, I recommend you visit Antietam.  Rolling hills, mountains in the distance, streams, bridges, farm buildings.... the list goes on and on. Oh, and they had queen anne's lace that was taller than myself. I didn't know they got that tall. Their wild flowers were already in bloom which I found to be amazing.  I took quite a few photos for future paintings.  Of course it was raining during my road trip so I didn't get as many photos as I would've liked, but I can always visit Antietam again.  We also visited Fort Frederick and parts of the C&O canal.  More on that in future posts.

This painting is along one of the trails you can hike. That's my son in the picture walking up ahead of me.  This particular trail seemed to go on and on forever - it was raining and the path was muddy but it had beautiful views along side of a river.  I loved how this distant trees glowed with sunlight (for a brief moment).  It was a great day for making memories.

Zach (my son) has been asking me to post some of his own artwork.  He's in an artclub at school and they are doing some really awesome projects.  For the picture above, the class was given a page from a dictionary and each student was to choose one word on their page and do an illustration of that word.  Zachs word was swamp.  I think he did a great job!

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