
Monday, May 8, 2017

No Name Monday Challenge


Secrets of the Shell 9x12 pastel available $50.00


Image result for poems of seashells


       I can almost feel the breeze through my hair, hear the waves crashing into shore and taste the salt on my lips from the spray of the ocean after painting this one.  I can't wait for the heat of summer to relax on my towel and take in some rays, and after these last couple of windy cool days, it couldn't come soon enough!

So here is today's No Name Monday Challenge. Come up with the perfect title for this painting and then my judges will select their favorite so this painting can have a forever name.  This painting is a 9x12 pastel  on UArt 400 pastel paper. This is my favorite posting day of the week - I love to see all the different ideas! Get ready, get set, let the naming begin!                                                                                                                                                                                 

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