
Saturday, May 20, 2017

Back at the Easel

Break in the Clouds 9x6 pastel available $50.00

I know, I know, I haven't posted for a week!  Yes I've been painting, but I've also caught the Genealogy bug.  I was big into researching my genealogy years ago, but let it slip - now the obsession has hit once again and let me tell you, it consumes all your free time - it's addicting!  I've hit on some very good leads this past week and I'm excited - I love learning about my ancestors. What jobs they had, where they were living, and even how they died - morbid, I know, but I find it so interesting.  I've even come across photos from the 1800's.  Anyway, that's what I've been doing in between painting and work, so I haven't fit the time to post, but I'm back at it today!

The painting above: Break in the Clouds is from a reference photo I took a couple of weeks ago during my trip to Antietam Battlefield. We had less than perfect weather to say the least, but we pressed on and made the best of it.  Wonderful views at Antietam - if you ever have the chance to visit. Lots of rolling hills and distant mountains, streams and farms - great place!  And you learn a lot of history as well. 

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