
Friday, November 24, 2017

Road Home 11x9 pastel on sandpaper available $48.00

I hope everyone had a safe and filling Thanksgiving.  It's wonderful to get together with family and friends and reconnect...... and it's wonderful to arrive back home safe and sound in the wee hours of the morning, and to get snuggled and comfy in the covers. I recommend not going anywhere close to the scale anytime soon - you'll only be disappointed. I speak from experience.  Maybe I'll attempt to weigh in in a week or so or maybe I should just wait until February when all festivities are over with.  We'll see.

Wednesday I posted a Thanksgiving "thank you" give away painting.  It's time to reveal the new owner of the painting titled Home Grown.

Congratulation Linda!!!   I will have this in the mail in the next couple of days.  Thank you to all that participated! Check back next month for the next give a way - - I'm almost certain it will be Christmasy in nature.

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