
Thursday, March 9, 2017

Time for Butterflies

Monarch 14x11 Pastel

I'm getting excited because it's almost time for the monarchs so I thought I'd do a painting in their honor.  From spring to fall I search for monarch eggs on milkweed plants and bring them indoors.  After they've hatched, I care for them through all their stages until it's time to release them.  The numbers of the monarchs have drastically declined over the years, and I just try to offer a little help - keeping them from the predators and giving them a chance to grow in numbers.  There is something really special in watching a butterfly grow from egg to butterfly.  Keep checking the blog throughout this season because there will be more paintings of monarchs to come and also some ways that you too could help the monarchs.

This painting was done on canvas board that I primed myself with gesso specifically for pastels.

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