
Monday, March 13, 2017

Loch Raven Reservoir - pastel experiment

Loch Raven Reservoir 5x7 Pastel SOLD

Today I decided to try something new - well new to me....  I started painting the rock cliff as usual, but it just wasn't looking "rocky" enough for me, so I thickly applied acrylic paint in spots I wanted more texture, waited for it to dry, then painted pastel primer over top.  That gave me the extra texture I was looking for.  I have lots of plans in the near future using this technique.

This picture was taken at Loch Raven Reservoir in Maryland.  My husband and I visited this place when we first started dating.  Ahh the memories!  We should really go back and see if we can still make it up this cliff 20 years later.  Any bets?

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