
Monday, March 20, 2017

Marshy Hope

Sunny Spot on the Marshy Hope available $40.00

One of my favorite summer past times is kayaking, and living where I do, I'm surrounded by awesome places to do just that.  This painting is from a photo I took while kayaking down the Marshy Hope river in Federalsburg, Md.  I crept up on these turtles sunning themselves on this large branch that was stuck in the mud and shot the picture just seconds before they jumped in the water.  The water was probably a foot deep in this spot, because I can remember looking at all the grasses and tiny fish along the bottom.

I didn't get a chance to post yesterday - it was sunny out ( a little bit of a chill), but a great day to explore and take photos.  So my son and I set out driving to various spots with the intention of photography bridges for future paintings.  I think I took way more photos of ducks, seagulls and shells than I did the bridges, but they all will make great paintings non the less. So stay tuned - I'd love to share them with you.

Just a note, for the interesting movement in the water, I used one of those erasers that you put on the end of a pencil when the pencil's eraser is used up and squiggled it down while the underpainting was still wet.  It really worked well.

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