
Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Just the values

Dreamscape 9x12 Pastel. Available $35.00        SOLD

Another fun pastel class today!  Today was all about values (no details).  We were all given the same photograph and had to choose colors based on values, not what was actually in the photograph.  Then we were to blend to our hearts content - or until our fingers were rubbed raw- which ever came first.  This was quite a challenge for me to leave out all the details.  We were instructed to blend it so it had a sort of dreamy quality about it.  This was a fun challenge and I think I will do some more to try out different color schemes.  I used 9 pastels for this one.

The instructor also gave us a tid bit of useful information when entering juried art shows.  If you are accepted into a juried show and can display multiple paintings, all the paintings should be similar in subject matter.  For example he said don't send in a landscape painting then bring paintings of  foil wrapped hershey kisses to hang in the show - that's a no no.  Bring all landscape paintings painted in the same style.  Save the hershey kiss paintings for your blog :]  This is valuable information for a newby like myself.

Just a note: the instructor also told me that the colors I chose reminded him of Kevin Fitzgerald's work. Of course I looked him up as soon as I got home from class - beautiful work, and what a surprise to find that he also lives here on the Eastern Shore.  If you have a chance check out his work.

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