
Sunday, March 26, 2017

My Weekly Sky Painting

Pathway to the Storm available $150.00 Sold

I was watching You Tube videos this weekend of Les Darlow.  He's a fantastic painter of stormy skies, and I was inspired to give it a try.  I honestly could sit and watch him paint his skies all day and never get bored.  He's quite amazing.  This painting was done on a large piece of Canson Mi Teintes Touch pastel paper.  What I discovered was that I need to go shopping for some more pastels.  There were colors that I needed and just didn't have so I had to make due and try to mix the colors I needed right on the paper.

Tune in tomorrow for my report on my plein air experience from yesterday.  All I can say is that it's never a dull moment in the life of Wendy Johnston.  I need a day of recouping before I recount the day's events.  

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