
Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Drifting Love ~ Etsy store now open for business

<script type='text/javascript' src=''></script><script type='text/javascript'>new Etsy.Mini(14634313,'thumbnail',1,1,0,'');</script>
 Drifting Love 12x9 Pastel available $75 


For those of you that know me well, know that I'm am virtually unteachable when it comes to technology.  I want to learn, but my brain just explodes in overload. In fact, a simple task like picking a new cell phone will cause the same anxiety in me as having to take a calculus class.  It was nice when I had my Girl Scouts close by to "teach" me things - more so, do them for me, but now I'm on my own and I certainly have a long long road ahead of me learning all things techno.  I've spent all week setting up an Etsy store with hopes to sell my paintings, but I have really struggled with linking the store to the blog.  I've semi-linked the painting above.  I will keep working to make the link work like I think it's supposed to, but for now it will have to do.  If anyone out there has advice for this, I would greatly appreciate it.

Now on to the "fun" stuff....  The painting above "Drifting Love" was painted from a recent visit to Terrapin Park.  I just happened to glance over while walking the beach, and just loved how the shadow and the driftwood together made a heart.  I'm thinking of painting a large version of this scene.  If you ever have the chance to visit this park, I highly recommend it.  It's a small park, but chock full of photo ops - wetlands, wooded trails, a marsh trail and a beautiful beach walk with a clear view of the Bay Bridge.

Oh! and before I forget, Happy National Pie (Pi) day.  The grocery store was advertising National Pie day today because the date is 3-14 (get it?) Well all their pies were marked down to $3.14.  Of course I just had to get one.  Can't let a good "national" day go to waste.  Yum. 


  1. No worries...your nephew came home and made SURE I knew it was pie day 3.14 LOL

  2. I love this painting. If you need help with Etsy let me know. I might be able to help or...we could have Charlie help you. LOL
