
Monday, August 19, 2019

Join a New Pastel Group

Sunlight and Shadows 9x12 pastel available $125.00

I recently joined a Facebook group call Cafe Monet which is a group for pastelists to share their recent works, ask questions and connect with like-minded artists.  One of the wonderful things about this group is the monthly challenge.  A painting challenge is given at the 1st of every month and 2 winners are chosen at the end of the month.  One winner from the beginners category and one from the advanced category. The winners receive a gift of some type of pastels and will have their painting featured as the heading for the group for the following month.

This months challenge was to paint shadows.  I love finding interesting shadows and the shadows in the painting above was challenging to recreate.  I set the mason jar on my kitchen counter after filling with water and started to add some flowers, but when I saw the shadow created with just the babys breath from the sun coming in the kitchen window, I knew I had my subject.  I painted another shadow painting that I'll share soon.

If you are a pastel painter..... I highly recommend you join this group.  You will learn so much and feel so good about your work with all the positive feedback that is given. 

New paintings have been added into my Etsy store, so if you are in need of some new artwork for your walls, I invite you to check it out here

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