
Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Can You Reuse Pastelmat ?

Lime Light 5x7 Pastel available $45.00

I was reading lots of chatter about Alain Picard's painterly apple on You Tube and I had to see what all the talk was about.  His video is a paint along - where you paint along with his instruction.  I have to say... you've got to be quick!

I searched my art supply area and found a 5x7 piece of used pastelmat.  I didn't like the painting that was on it, so I decided to brush it all off and see what would happen.  After taking a stiff brush to brush all the loose pastel off , I sprayed it with water and wiped with paper towels - over and over until nothing more would come off onto the paper towel. 

Now I have to say that I was a bit worried because I no longer could feel any tooth to the surface, although I have heard others having no issue. Maybe I used too much pressure when scrubbing with the brush -   It was smooth with barely noticeable texture, but I figured it would work out great for what I was using it for, and I was pretty sure Alain wouldn't mind my frugalness. I was able to paint on the smooth surface, but I couldn't use much pressure and had to keep the layers to a bare minimum.  What a great video and the way he makes you force yourself create a painterly look is an invaluable lesson to learn no matter what medium you prefer as a painter.

I've enjoyed seeing all the different renderings of Alain's apple on Instagram and Face Book and so I now add mine to the list.  Give it a try -

Oh.... and just a side note..... I titled this painting Lime Light because the ray of color behind the apple is actually a lime color, but for some reason the camera keeps showing it as a yellow. Yes - I need to practice my photography skills - or lack of skills.

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