
Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Instagram for Inspiration

Two Pears on Branch 9x12 pastel available $125.00

I love looking at other artists artwork, and Instagram is the perfect place to see what others are doing and be inspired. I came across a painting of pears still on the tree on Instagram - unfortunately I do not remember which artist painted it, but I was excited to try this new subject.

Out pear tree this year was loaded with pears - so I went out to get some photos when the sun was shining the brightest on the fruit. Then began my sketch.

I added the dark area first - leaving room for leaves and such that were to come later.

Added in some more color...........

and more color for the background leaves.  It was at this point that I felt it just got too busy- I was loosing the main focus of the pears-so I brushed off the background ( one of my favorite bonuses of using pastels and UArt paper) and put the dark back in with just a minimal hint of other colors.

And voila! The stars of the show were back.  Now I get to go enjoy eating them.  What's your favorite benefit of painting with pastels? And where do you like to search for inspiration?

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