
Monday, June 19, 2017

Practice Practice Practice\No Name Monday

I've been super busy practicing the art of plein air painting.  I have a gallery show coming up the month of July at Candleberry Gallery located in St. Michaels Md. along with the other members of the Plein Air Painters of the Chesapeake Bay.  Truth be told, I'm still new at plein air painting and really need to work on techniques to help me out.  Standing out in the expanse of nature is a bit overwhelming when trying to single out a scene to paint. What to leave in and what to leave out - so I've devised a "help" for myself.  Using my cell phone I photograph what I think will make a nice painting, then I draw the composition from that photo.  This helps me narrow in on just what to concentrate on with out all the other distractions that come with outdoor painting. After I think I'm finished, I put it on the easel where I can evaluate and make changes.  For this painting, I added the orange and blue accents to give it a little POP after it was up on the easel.  I will post the other completed paintings in the next couple of days. 

I have not named this painting yet -I was sitting at my picnic table and really had planned on painting the flowers upright, but it  was so windy and they kept blowing over so I just left them down. Need help from all my creative minded friends out there to help me come up with a name ~ even I am stumped with this one, and want an extra special title since it will be showing in the gallery. 


  1. Girl...I never get any work done on MOndays now trying to think up names for these beautiful paintings. Uggghhh..this one is tough

  2. You're so funny! And it makes me happy that you're at least giving it a try. :)
