
Thursday, April 6, 2017

My first ACEO

Well after a whole week of having issues with the computer..... I'm back at blogging.  Firefox crashed and for some reason I couldn't get to the place on the blog to add new posts, but enough about that, it's fixed and that's what matters.

I've recently seen various artworks in miniature, also called an ACEO which stands for art card editions and originals and believe it or not, they are smaller than a regular playing card.  2 1/2 x 3  inches in size.  When I first saw them, I was thinking what would you do with such a small painting?  But while shopping in Walmart I came across artist trading card cut papers. They cost only a dollar, so I thought I'd give it a try and see what happens.

Here's a picture so you can get an idea of the size.  12 blank pastel cards and 20 mixed media cards come in each pack.  First I covered the paper with gray pastel gesso because the pastel cards have the same texture as canson pastel paper and I wanted to have a little tooth to the paper to work with. Painting this small has it's own challenges and I didn't want the extra challenge of fighting the ridges on the canson. It worked really well - you can see the finished piece at the top of this post, but I was still left with the question of what someone would do with a piece this small.  Answer: frame it!

I happened to see already cut mats at Ben Franklin and got really excited - I couldn't seem to get a good picture (one without the reflection of my phone), but you get the idea of what it looks like.  I framed this picture in a 5x7 frame.  I love it! and the color scheme goes perfect with the colors in my house.  I've prepared some more papers with the gesso and will share them later this week.  They're so cute!  And very quick to complete.

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