
Monday, April 17, 2017

No Name Monday

Bewilder Me Blue 6x6 pastel available $15.00 Sold

Truth be told, this Easter was nothing short of disappointing.  I might even go as far as to say depressing - but the weather was perfect and I was in desperate need of some quiet "alone" time. So I sat down at our picnic table with my pastels and just started to paint. No music, no conversation, just the peacefulness of outdoor sounds. I had bought a container of African Daisies the day before and had them sitting in the center of the picnic table, I just painted what was in front of me. 

Last week I introduced "No Name Mondays" to the blog.  So here is this week's "No Name" painting.  Comment what name you would choose for this painting, and in 24 hours I will post the winner and officially name this painting.  I can't wait to see what ideas you have. 

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