
Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Painting for the kitchen

I've been looking at my kitchen lately and wandering what I could do to spruce it up a little.  I've been trying for a Tuscan theme throughout the house and have fake pears, vines and wine bottles decorating the tops of the kitchen cabinets, but under the cabinets has always looked bare to me - so I decided to do some pear paintings to frame and hand under the cabinets.  This is the first one, and actually It was part of a large painting that I just wasn't happy with as a whole, but I liked how the pear turned out, so I cut the painting down to size. There is actually a second pear from this painting that I will share tomorrow.  2 down, 3 more to go. 

Yesterday I posted "No Name Monday"  and it seemed to be a difficult painting to title.  Coming up with a title is not always an easy task, but one title that was submitted was Seaside Dining - we could work with this - because the painting is of an island, and not the sea, I just changed to location to Island Dining. Many thanks to  Pam for the idea!  I can't thank you all enough for taking part in No Name Monday's.  I really look forward to seeing all the ideas, and love involving others in my art making. The painting is now listed on my Etsy store website.

Today I've started a painting of a field of sunflowers - and I'm really battling a terrible sinus infection, so I keep getting side tracked with a lot of nose blowing and trying to unclog these ears, but hopefully I can finish it this evening to stay on track with a painting a day.

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