
Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Painting the Scriptures

Romans 8:39 9x9 pastel available $40.00

A while back, I came across a list of the top 100 books that are reviewed as the greatest books ever written and recommended for book lovers to make sure they read before they die so to speak.  So I began reading - and am still slowly working my way through the list.  The Bible is on that list.  It occurred to me in my entire lifetime I have not ever read the Bible cover to cover. Sure I will research passages for this, that and the other, but never read it like a traditional book.  So about a year ago I began reading and highlighting various passages.  I have different colors to highlight different scriptures and what they might mean to me.  I use colored pencils so the pages of the Bible don't warp.  While reading a section on using your talents for God's work, the idea of painting certain scriptures popped in my head.  I've been wanting to try out this project for months, but kept putting it off.  Today I've completed the first in this series.  I'm going to try to do at least one scripture painting per week to go along with what ever section I happen to read during the previous week.  It may be a reading done on my own or something from the most recent sermon at church.  This painting is entitled Romans 8:39.  No, I'm not going to tell you what that particular scripture says - - you have to do that for yourself - which is really the point to this project. 

I thought I'd share the painting steps for this one:

First, a quick draw in

Dark pastels were added along with the lightest lights

A brushed wash done with Gamsol and dried with a hair dryer

Sky was refined

Next the background trees were refined and more "dirt" was applied to the foreground

The foreground plants were added along with the water off in the distance

Some yellow highlights to bring together the yellow in the sky - and finished

Now for the results of yesterday's "No Name" project..... after votes were counted ( I had my family vote) the winning name is Autumn Beauty.  Thank you so very much to all that participated and especially to Ms. Dorothy for her winning name. That painting will now be available in my Etsy store.  Make sure to check in next Monday for the next "No Name" painting. 

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