
Thursday, July 13, 2017

Candleberry Gallery Show

Me (really bad hair day) with my 2 entries

Viewing some of the amazing artwork

Some more of the artwork with a glimpse of the great food

Just a reminder that artwork from the Plein Air Painters of the Chesapeake Bay is being shown this whole month of July at the Candleberry Gallery in St. Michaels Maryland.  It is truly an honor to be included with such amazing artists.  If you are the type of person to appreciate original works of art, then this is the show for you to check out.  All works are for sale - you will not be disappointed.  Now back to the easel!  I've spent some time trying to get gardens weeded and house chores caught up and my painting time has suffered. But really..... who am I kidding..... those things NEVER get caught up! So I'm throwing up my hands and getting back to what I love ~ Pastels! 

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