
Monday, July 17, 2017

No Name Monday

Drifting Daydream 12x9 pastel $50.00

I am so very blessed to live in an area with so many wonderful views that just call out to be painted.
This was painted from a photo I took at Martinak State Park in Denton, Md. I went for a hike with my children and our mission was to collect as many great reference photos as my phone would hold.  The sky was amazing this day and I loved the way this piece of fallen tree was washed ashore.  Now for your challenge - as on previous Monday's I post a painting that needs a name and ask viewers to come up with a name.  My children then get to hear all the names and choose their favorite. The painting will then be listed on my Etsy store the following day.  So what do you say?  Do you have a name for this painting?

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