
Thursday, July 27, 2017

Plein Air on the Water

Floating Colors pastel 6x6 available $60.00

I love my kayak! There are so many views and things to see that you just can't see from the shore.  This was painting I did for last years PACB members exhibition in St. Michaels while kayaking.  This scene was from a lake outside of Federalsburg, Md.  My husband was going to fish and I road along to do some kayaking - little did I know what gems I would find there.  I was surrounded by endless lillypads, and they were in bloom!  What luck.  This painting is still available with the frame included.

I only had one response to yesterday's No Name Monday (on a Tuesday), but that's ok because the name that was submitted was a perfect fit for the painting of my son's roses.  Roses in the Dark is now the forever title.  I love the smile that painting brings to my son's face. He just loves his roses!

Tuesday, July 25, 2017

No Name Monday on a Tuesday

Roses in the Dark pastel 18x12 available $100.00

My 13 year old son has acquired the taste for roses - He has started growing his own small rose garden in the back yard but has plans drawn up to eventually have his garden looking like the Biltmore Estate.  He checks them numerous times throughout the day - removing wilted blooms and checking for Japanese beetles (picking them off one by one) it's a miracle that he's taken an interest in something other than video games and we want to encourage him as much as possible.  This painting is a tribute to his rose growing.  The roses above were a little on the wilty side that he removed, but still had some beauty to them, so he put them in a small glass for me and put them on the window sill in the kitchen.  It wasn't until night fall that the scene drew me in to paint.  So this is your challenge for today - can you come up with a beautiful name for his beautiful flowers?  What's the first title that comes into your head?  After all ideas are submitted, I'll let him pick the final forever name. 

Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Looking Back

Last Blooms 5x7 pastel available framed $60.00

In the spirit of showing some paintings at the Candleberry Gallery, I thought I'd share the paintings that were on display last year.  This one is of a patch of blackeyed susans that show themselves every year next to my house.  It was also my second attempt at plein air painting so it holds a special place in my heart.  The first attempt was a bit of an embarrassment, but I've kept it just to compare progress.  Maybe someday I will share that one with you. I'll post the other paintings in up coming days. This painting is available on my Etsy store and is framed.  You can view the store by clicking on the title found under the painting.

Results from Monday's No Name Monday - It was a difficult decision for my bunch of judges, but they did agree on the forever name for Monday's painting.  Drifting Daydream was the chosen name.
Congratulations Stephanie! And many thanks to all that participated! It really is a big help to have a day off from coming up with titles, and I really enjoy seeing the creativeness of all of you.  Have a great day and I look forward to sharing more little tidbits of my painting journey with you tomorrow.

Monday, July 17, 2017

No Name Monday

Drifting Daydream 12x9 pastel $50.00

I am so very blessed to live in an area with so many wonderful views that just call out to be painted.
This was painted from a photo I took at Martinak State Park in Denton, Md. I went for a hike with my children and our mission was to collect as many great reference photos as my phone would hold.  The sky was amazing this day and I loved the way this piece of fallen tree was washed ashore.  Now for your challenge - as on previous Monday's I post a painting that needs a name and ask viewers to come up with a name.  My children then get to hear all the names and choose their favorite. The painting will then be listed on my Etsy store the following day.  So what do you say?  Do you have a name for this painting?

Thursday, July 13, 2017

Calling for Critiques

Left Behind 16x20 pastel

The Members Exhibit at the Art Academy in Easton, Maryland is fast approaching.  The drop off date is a week from Monday. This is the painting I've chosen to enter into that exhibit, but before I frame this, I want to make sure it's the best that it can be.  All paintings in the exhibit will be for sale and it is for this reason I'm asking all viewers to please be completely honest and let me know what works in this painting and what doesn't work - what would make this painting better? I'm using this as a learning tool and would really appreciate any and all comments. 

Candleberry Gallery Show

Me (really bad hair day) with my 2 entries

Viewing some of the amazing artwork

Some more of the artwork with a glimpse of the great food

Just a reminder that artwork from the Plein Air Painters of the Chesapeake Bay is being shown this whole month of July at the Candleberry Gallery in St. Michaels Maryland.  It is truly an honor to be included with such amazing artists.  If you are the type of person to appreciate original works of art, then this is the show for you to check out.  All works are for sale - you will not be disappointed.  Now back to the easel!  I've spent some time trying to get gardens weeded and house chores caught up and my painting time has suffered. But really..... who am I kidding..... those things NEVER get caught up! So I'm throwing up my hands and getting back to what I love ~ Pastels!