
Monday, June 25, 2018

Blue Birds in My Bird House Garden

Keeping Watch 9x12 Pastel available $95.00

I've set yet another goal for this summer...... to do a painting of all the songbirds found in and around the Chesapeake Bay ~ I have to admit that years ago, I didn't have much interest in birds, I guess you could say I took them for granted.  I didn't take the time to really look at them.  After moving to the Eastern Shore 20 years ago was when I really started to take notice of the beautiful markings and sounds of the birds that would show up in the yard.  I now how a "bird book" that I check off the species when I see them visiting the feeders.  If you take the time to really look at the birds that visit your own yard, I'm sure you will fall in love with them as I have.

This summer I had this idea to create a bird house garden in one of the corners of my yard.  I collected lots of bird houses and hand painted designs on just about all of them, and also put in a little picket fence which I chose to stain in a dark brown to blend in with the surrounding trees.  Already this season I've had 2 sets of blue bird eggs in 2 of the houses!  So I thought I'd share some photos of my bird house garden.
Full view - still needs mulch... maybe I'll get around to that before the summer ends

Here's Casper hanging out with me while I plant

Found this great bird house windchime at Tractor Supply

My white azalea in bloom

The second set of blue birds.  The first set chose a house to high for me to photograph

Right now, I'm working on a commission to paint a butterfly scene on a garden stone - I'm super excited to see how this turns out, and I will share the finished product when completed.  I'm also getting ready for an art show that will be held at the Nature Conservatory in Easton, Md. on June 6th - the opening reception is from 5-8 and is open to the public. I would love to have you stop by and visit.  All the information for this show can be found on my Facebook page.

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