
Thursday, December 28, 2017


Winter Song pastel 6 1/2x10 inches available $48.00

Well Christmas has come and gone ~ I hope everyone had a very memorable Christmas this year! I know I did!  During some hustle and bustle down time I decided to go to my paper stash to begin another painting and what I found was Old Mother Hubbard's Cupboard.  I'm just about out of every type of painting surface and with all the Christmas shopping, I'm also out of extra funds to buy more supplies for at least a couple of weeks.  So I put my thinking cap on and found that I have tons of backing boards.  The boards I place behind paintings for sturdy shipping.  Why not try those?( I asked myself).  I had a jar of Elephant Gray Pastel Primer made by Art Spectrum, grabbed a paint brush and covered the board.  The result was a very nice painterly look.  I liked it so much I covered a very large board for a painting I hope to complete this week.  Until my supply stash is refreshed, this will be my surface of choice. 

I can't believe how much time has passed since my last post - I completely got caught up in Holiday "stuff", and forgot to post the winning title for last weeks No Name Monday.  The winner........ drum roll...... Rose! With Snow Day. The Painting, along with proper title can now be found on my Etsy page. When seen in person, the falling snow is literally sitting on top of the paper - a really cool 3D effect.  

Snow Day pastel 9x11 inches available $75.00

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