Winter Whispers pastel 20x16 available $355.00 |
I am finally breaking out of a long hiatus from my painting. For the last few month's I had even considered giving up painting all together - painting can be a lonely hobby and also expensive, and I was struggling to find the inspiration and will to keep going with it. But the longer I stared at an empty easel the more lost and empty I felt. I was given an opportunity to take a class at the Art Academy in Easton, Md. this month and I'm beginning to feel renewed again. So this week I thought I'd share works being completed in class along with my notes that I've been taking along the way.
First and foremost, I would like to thank my class instructor and mentor Katie Cassidy. She is a wonderful instructor and shares her painting knowledge so fully. If you ever have the desire to take a class in pastel painting, I highly recommend you sign up with Katie. The classes are fun and just getting the chance to view the art work that she creates is well worth it! Thank you Katie for helping to relight that spark in me.
Katie passed out a hand-out during the last class that I thought I'd share with you.
Questions when working from photos for your paintings:
Did you start with preliminary studies?
Are there any lines or edges that divide the painting in half or equal units?
Does the painting have a primary center of interest?
Is the center of interest in a sweet spot? (not dead center)
Is the center of interest a strong focal point?
Are there any lines that lead the eye out of your painting?
Are there strong value contrasts in your painting?
Are the shapes in your painting interesting?
Are there any two intervals the same?
Why did you decide to do this scene? What in this scene moves you?
Can you answer the questions from this hand-out when looking at my posted painting?
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