
Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Setting Smaller Goals

Rare Beauty 12x12 pastel available by clicking this link $145.00

I'm setting a smaller goal this week by choosing 1 subject and doing a painting a day for 7 days.  I've participated in painting 30 paintings in 30 days, and sometimes that goal can seem daunting... so I'm setting smaller goals for myself by doing 7 paintings in 7 days and by choosing to paint the same subject means my colors are already set out for me, and I'm somewhat familiar with my subject so the painting process goes a little bit quicker.

This weeks subject is poppies, and by painting the same subject over and over again, helps me to choose which colors to use more naturally.  I started this poppy with and underpainting of brick red and very bright orange, and this layered back and forth with a rose color, bright red and the orange.  The experts say never to use a hard pastel over a soft pastel, but I break this rule constantly, and find that it works fine as long as use a light touch with each layer.  Using a light touch is something I am constantly working on with myself because I am naturally a heavy hander, it seems, with everything I do, but I am a work in progress - just like my poppy shown above.  Here are some progress photos.

For the final highlights, I wanted to try something different and used a salmon color and then a bright yellow-green.  You can see this if you zoom into the painting. I really am pleased with this color combination.

Also this week I am revealing a poem that I came across for those of you out there that enjoy poetry like myself.  I will reveal a paragraph a day along with the day's poppy painting for that day, and by the end of the week you will have read the poem in full and I am hoping to hear from some of you as to what you think about the meaning behind the poem.  Here's today's addition:

There is a sadness everywhere present
but impossible to point to, a sadness that hides in the world
and lingers. You look for it because it is everywhere.
When you give up, it haunts your dreams
with black pepper and blood and when you wake
you don’t know where you are.

But then you see the poppies, a disheveled stand of them.
And the sun shining down like God, loving all of us equally,
mountain and valley, plant, animal, human, and therefore
shouldn’t we love all things equally back?
And then you see the clouds.

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